Contains:  Other
This Butterfly has a Propeller, Terry Hancock

This Butterfly has a Propeller

This Butterfly has a Propeller, Terry Hancock

This Butterfly has a Propeller


This image forms part of a mosaic that I acquired last season which I decided to review for a number of reasons but mainly as I am using a different technique to eliminate the typical salmon pink when H-Alpha is added to an RGB image particularly if used as a luminance layer. I also hope to further enhance the mosaic by using OIII and SII filters this season provided the weather and my health cooperate.

I created my own annotated view you can see here.

This first of 4 images to my newly processed mosaic I am releasing is that of this area which includes part of The Gamma Cygni Nebula IC1318A (LBN 251) a diffuse emission nebula (bottom right) and LBN239 combined is otherwise known as The Butterfly Nebula. DWB-111 (bottom left) otherwise known as The Propeller Nebula.

NGC 6866 (top left) open star cluster

IC 1311 (middle right) open star cluster

LBN 243 (to the right of centre) emission nebula

Captured using LRGB + H-Alpha filters

Total Exposure time 4+ hours


QHY11S monochrome CCD cooled to -20C

QHY5IIL Monochrome Guiding CCD

Takahashi E-180 F2.8 Astrograph

Paramount GT-1100S Robotic Telescope Mount

Image Acquisition Maxim DL

Stacking and Calibrating: CCDStack

Registration of images in Registar

Post Processing Photoshop CS5



This Butterfly has a Propeller, Terry Hancock